Creating new Checklists via Portal's RIoT Administrative dashboard is easy with a little bit of planning. Before starting, most restaurants will already have a known series of checklists -enforced or not. Be sure to review them before beginning.

In RioT, there are (2) primary types of checklists you can create:

  1. Question & Answer: Use this type for answering general questions -yes/no; multi-select; text; and probe/sensor temperature selections.
  2. Cooked Food: Use this type when testing cooked food. This primarily adds cook surface and run size to checklists.

Technically, there are no limits to the amount of checklists you may create or amount of checklist steps a checklist might create for Some of our customers have around (30) checklists and some of those checklists have over (70) steps! Just be sure usage is enforced -or you will do all the work for nothing.

Let's get started!

Creating A New Checklist

  • Log into via your default browser
  • Browse to Restaurant IoT (RIoT) from the primary navigation bar
  • Locate and click on Actions > Admin Dashboard
  • From Checklist Management, Select your location and click "Add New".

  • Provide your new checklist with specific Name, Schedule, Active Period, Type, Reference ID and Role.
    • Name: Your checklist name should be unique to prevent confusion to your end-users.
    • Schedule: Defines how often a checklist is to be completed.
      • Daily: Checklists that are required to be completed daily.
      • Monthly: Checklists that are designed to be completed monthly
      • On Demand: Defines checklists that need to be done -but not on a specified timeline.
      • Inactive: Typically used products that are considered seasonal or "limited time" items.
    • Active Period: Defines the time a checklist should be started and when it's considered overdue
    • Type: Defines how the checklist will be used. Please see second paragraph of this article.
    • Reference ID: Allows your data to populate reports properly
    • Role: Defines what users can complete the checklist via assigned role.
  • Click the Checklist Steps tab next to create what your checklist will be actually be doing.
  • Click "Add New" and click your newly created step.
  • Add your question in and select the proper "Answer Type" for the Question.
    • Yes/No: This type automatically lists a Yes and No answer to your checklist step answer.
    • Number: This type only allows numeric values to be entered into a field for a checklist step answer.
    • Text: This type only allows alpha values to be entered into a field for a checklst step answer.
    • QR Code: This type is used for scanning QR codes for walk-thrus
    • Probe Temperature: Allows only bluetooth thermometer synced withe app to provide a temperature based answer.
    • Sensor Temperature: This option allows users to populate sensor data directly from the sensor or decline and utilize a Bluetooth thermometer to obtain the temperature reading.
    • Multiselect: Allows only one of multiple answers to be selected for a checklist step answer.
  • You are welcome to provide instructions for Guidance, Safety Failure and Qaulity Failure instructions -but they are not typically required. However, they can be helpful to new trainings.
  • The "Is Active" and Auto Update Default are enabled be default.
    • Active: the checklist step will be visible and accessible when he checklist is started.
    • Auto Update Default: users will be prompted to update the default answer if changed. This will save the default answer for the next time the step is accessed.
  • All changes are automatic when you leave the field.
  • Repeat these steps for as many checklist/checklist steps you desire. 
  • When done, ensure a database refresh is completed in so the new checklist is pulled down.


Watch the process from start to finish unfold here:

In this example, we create simple 3-step Question/Answer, "Yes/No" checklist. The process is similar for all other checklist types. For the best experience, expand the video into "full screen".