
User accounts provide access to the® portal and its features.  You should provide a user account for each person that want to be able to log into the portal.

Alert contacts receive alert notifications from the system.  If you only want an employee to receive alert notifications, but not have the ability to log into the system, then that employee should be setup as an alert contact.

Users can be setup as alert contacts, fulfilling both roles.

In the® portal application, there are three (3) types of users:

  1. Basic: This user can only view data in the portal and has editing privileges
  2. AdminThis user can add/edit users and alert contacts
  3. Master Admin: This user has all site privileges and can change billing information.  This includes adding new devices to an account since that affects billing.

Creating a New Portal User

You need administrative privileges to add new users to your account.  

To add a new user, log into the application at

Once logged in:

Browse to the control panel in the primary navigation bar at the top of the application.

Select the Account Users option

Click "Create New User".  This will bring up the following dialog window:

Fill in all required fields and click "Create" to add the user to your account.  Once the user is created, you will also be given the option to add the user as an alert contact and select which alerts will be assigned to the user.

Creating And/Or Assigning Alert Contacts

Before beginning, the credentials you use must have the admin role or higher. There are also (2) ways to complete Contact Alert Assignment.

Option #1 - Create a new Alert Contact when new user is created

Once you have created a new user, you will have the option to add the user as an alert contact:

If you want the user to receive alert notifications as well, check the box and click "Create".  You will then be presented with the following dialog window which enables you to select which alerts this user should receive notifications for.

Alerts are organized by location and each location can be expanded to show the equipment with alerts for that location.  The Configured Alerts column shows the number of alerts that are configured for each piece of equipment.

To assign an alert to an alert contact, check the "Select" box for that alert.

Once you have the alert contact configured the way you want, click "Save".

Option #2 - Create a new Alert Contact from scratch

Sign into the® portal and browse to the control panel in the primary navigation bar.  Next, select the Alert Contacts tab to view existing contacts.

Click "Create New Contact":

You can also select an existing contact and click "Edit Selected Contact".

The remaining process is essentially the same as creating a new Alert Contact when a new User is created.